So anyone who has come to visit us here in Texas has probably met Fred and Nancy. They are friends, neighbors, advisors and fellow admirers of Max. In other words all around good people! They have been conducting studies on the nesting eastern screech owl population for many years now and always use the chick banding as an opportunity to educate people about these wonderful birds. The nice thing about having an "in" with Fred and Nancy is that we get priority when it comes to owl banding. Max and I "helped" one afternoon and were rewarded with Max holding one of the nestlings. Please don't worry... he did this under expert supervision and the chicks tend to play dead even though they are perfectly fine. Max had a great day!
Fred helping Max hold one of the babies. We wanted to make sure it didn't get it's talons on Max and that Max didn't drop it!
This chick went for playing dead as a defense but it helped Max hold on to it carefully.
Like his Mama.... Love that face!! Max and the nestling