Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Perfect Day!!!

So today was about Max's perfect day. The Woodway Public Safety Department had their annual fundraiser and so we headed down to support our fair community in the effort to purchase a new rescue truck. Hopefully we will never have need for that ourselves...

Anyway there were fire trucks galore out for us to explore and "drive". Max was so excited to see them all AND after lunch one of the volunteer fire fighters took us for a ride in the "leeddle" fire truck and he even ran the siren and honked the air horn a time or two. I so wish I could have had a camera on Max's face when we pulled out of the parking space. Elation is how I would describe it! On top of all the awesome fire trucks, they had a bounce house (video to follow) a playground nearby AND he won some Play Dough as a door prize. We came home and he sacked out for a 2 hour nap. Whew! What a great day!

Max and Daddy were checking out the "beeg" fire trucks. He was impressed with it's ladder.

Our friends Scott, Rachelle, Anna and Elizabeth Huitink were also there today. Max so desperately wanted to hold the "beebee" so I had a pile on my lap!

You will notice in the most recent videos that we keep trying to get Max to tell us that whatever we are looking at is awesome. The way he says it is so cute! Alas, he will not perform for the camera. I hope to get it some day though. I just wanted to explain why we continue to ask him to describe things or experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Max had a blast! He is 100% boy! When you mentioned the firefighters sounding the truck’s horn, I pictured Kailyn bursting into tears. She hates loud noises! She’s 100% girl!

    And what is he doing with another girl on his lap!? That spot’s reserved for Kailyn! ;)
